Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Design Ideas

1. I have the idea to make my final make-up look quite dark but also glowy. I would like to feature red lips and cheeks but through using deep berry colours to give a contemporary feeling. I want the eyes to be quite smokey but to also feature gold tones on the lid as a symbol of wealth and nobility. The dark colours incorporated into the look will portray the mischievous side of Anne Vavasour. I feel this look shows a true contemporary take on the Elizabethan era however it may be too contemporary as the only aspects of inspiration from the era would be the gold featured on the face. To make it more contemporary I would think about making the face paler than my natural skin colour. 

2. For my second idea I would keep the colours more neutral and use a range of pinks and reds similar to what the Elizabethan's used. I also want to incorporate beads and jewels on the face. I have had the idea to place these either around the eyes or in a heart shape from the top of the forehead and down to the contours of the cheeks. I still want the eyes to be smokey to show my lady in waiting's playful and powerful side, however the pinks and reds would show her more reserved personality as well as her power. Pinks were the only colour that women would feature on their face therefore using this as my main colour would be appropriate. Using a brighter colour will show a modern take. Featuring the heart shape will also show inspiration from the Elizabethan era. 

3. My final idea would be to use golds and silvers and deep reds across the face. The red would show her power and the gold and silver would represent her nobility and wealth. I would use golden tones across the cheeks and create a prominent highlight and contour which would show a contemporary take. The eyes would be golden and smokey and also featuring red as a transition shade on the eye to brighten the look. I would also look at placing the colours around the eye and pulling it outwards as well as on the lid to add a contemporary feel. On the lips I would use a nude colour so the attention isn't drawn away from the eyes. I feel this design is very appropriate for a contemporary Elizabethan look due to the gold colour throughout. Using gold would work throughout as it portrays wealth as well as the personality of my lady in waiting. 

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